Dear 2022, let’s flow…

Joyceline MK
3 min readFeb 1, 2022
image Barry Samaha — Forbes

If there is one thing I procrastinated since the beginning of this year is, setting my 2022 resolutions, lazy much huh? But must we all set them? And when should we do that?

I found this funny and wanted to share it with you before my rant!!

Often we end the year by reflecting on what we lost, achieved and tick the boxes for the things we accomplished during the year “resolutions”.

Come New Year, we find ourselves setting goals despite how many boxes we got right the previous year eg “Goodreads book challenges, get married in 2022, get a new job, try baby number 2, buy a house….” The list is exhaustive and I am exhausted from making one. So this is me saying out loud;

I am not setting goals for 2022, so help me God.

You may ask yourselves as you read this if I am serious or if this will work, I am wondering also but hey what is the risk? I am not saying that those that have their notebooks painted with resolutions are odd, all I am saying is, personally that is not for me this year.

Here is why……

I had my 2021 resolutions ready before the end of 2020 and was very excited to be led by them. The funny thing is a lot happened, come June 2021, 70% of them were either forgotten or deleted from the list, 20% made me reconsider my choices and for the remaining 10%, we all can figure that out, LOL. At heart, a part of me felt like a failure, that I failed myself. At least I accomplished my reading goal, but did I thorough allow myself to be built by each book read? what was the purpose then?

Can you blame the girl though?. Life, covid – 19, work, tears, burnout, goodbyes, all happened. Did I plan for tomorrow before knowing how poorly or nicely the sky will smile at me? was I wrong? or the whole resolution thing is a myth, maybe.

image Pinterest

Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that I am giving up on resolutions set because of setbacks, but I am taking it slow and going with the flow.

So before I pen down my rant while sipping this sweet red wine I had it sealed the whole month, thinking of drinking it or not, with James Arthur music playing (what a beautiful voice) I will say this happily and loud……

Vibes and inshallah!!! Let’s flow in 2022…..!

To the life we are blessed with, embracing the beauty of it while hoping for the best without timelines and goals set. To gratitude and better sleep. Can 2022 at least give me that? abeg!!!!

Well, I will write back soon, InshAllah.

Happy 2022!

